
Vater Fürst Romancier

  • Rubin Royal
  • Figaro
  • Dressurbetont
  • Stute
  • dunkelbraun
  • Oldenburger
  • 25.03.2013
  • Großenkneten-Huntlosen
  • Niedersachsen
  • L (bis zu 7.500 €)
  • 7531
  • 25.08.2013


Premium filly by Fürst Romancier out of a State Premium marey by Rubin-Royal, Figaro, Freiherr, Löwenass,Kronprinz. The filly has very strong movements and a very good character. She's not only interesting for sport but also for breeding. For more information, please call: +49 (0)4487 / 1365
