
Vater Don Nobless

  • Wynton
  • Gribaldi
  • Dressurbetont
  • Hengst
  • Rappe
  • Oldenburger
  • 24.04.2017
  • Lohne (Vechta)
  • Niedersachsen
  • L (bis zu 7.500 €)
  • 9979
  • 19.05.2017


Colt from Grand Prix winner Don Nobless (by Dancier-Don Davidoff, ridden by Susan Pape) out of a very expressive moving mare by Wynton (Grand Prix stallion by Jazz- Matador) - Gribaldi. Very intelligent, easy to handle and friendly foal and due to its Pedigree it will be a great partner for someone who"s looking for a dressage horse with balanced gaits and good rideability for the future.
