
Vater Fürstenball

  • De Niro
  • Rohdiamant
  • Dressurbetont
  • Stute
  • Braun
  • Oldenburger
  • 05.04.2018
  • Ellwangen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • XXL (über 10.000 €)
  • 10805
  • 06.07.2018


Beautiful filly with three very good gaits (Fürstenball/De Niro/Rohdiamant). De filly was champion of the Southern German Championhips oft he Oldenburger Breeding Society and awared the title „elite foal“. Her mother was very successful herself in shows for young horses. In the performance test for mares she had a 9 for rideability. She comes from the renowed „Elfen“ family from which also many licenced stallions and very successful show horses stem. She is extremly good to handel and gave this characteristic also to her foal.
