Vater Franziskus

  • Sarkozy
  • Rubinstein
  • Dressurbetont
  • Stute
  • Dunkelfuchs
  • Oldenburger
  • 03.05.2018
  • Butjadingen
  • Niedersachsen
  • S (bis zu 2.500 €)
  • 10806
  • 06.07.2018


Premium filly out of State Premium Mare Hirtenglück (out of Elite Mare Hirterra). Strikingly beautiful, correct with long legs and 3 pronounced gaits. This mare line is highly successful in breeding and sport: examples: decorated State Premium and Elite Mares (Hirtenswing ´17 State Champion Mare), many licensed stallions, participants in Bundeschampionats (Bergolio, also Reserve Champion Stallion) and EC for Junior Riders (2 x silver).12345678911234567891123456789112345678911234567891123456789112345678911234567891
